Saturday, December 6, 2008


So i was wondering if either of my wonderful sisters now has a brownish black maskera (i can't spell!!!) in a pink tub thingy that they didn't have before thanks giving... I guess I could ask the rest of you but I would be very worried if you had it... Scott and Randy... so yeah... thats all...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You There!?!

My family is soooooo boring!!!!!! Has nothing new happened.... what is up with not blogging!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rock climbing trip

So these pics are a little backwards.... the 2nd one is of me climbing and the 1st one is from the top of that climb, but don't worry mom I didn't take it... and its only 147 feet high... :P

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


this is done with charcol... I want to know what you HONESTLY think... can you tell what it is?...
this is done with pencile... can you tell what it is?

this isn't anything in particular, i was just a little stressed so i started to draw... what do you think?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Details on the Neon Stomp

So you wanted to know some details... well in the first picture it is Evencio and Tyrell, the second picture is of Will doing his dance to the song 'Bye bye bye', the last one is of Evencio and if you don't know who the second person is then I don't think I can talk to you any more.... :O. So yes there were black lights and they had high lighters that you could write allover everyones arms and then it would glow and then even though wee have all showered a lot by now, wen we were in the tunnles and there was black lights you could still faintly see the writting on our arms still... its pretty cool. they also had glowsticks and some people had gotten a bunch and broke them and splatered them all over their shirts od spray painted designs on their shirts because where ever the paint was it didn't glow. So it was a lot of fun and the music was a bit better then usual... not as much rap because the raidio ataion wasn't the DJ... lets see... I think that is about it...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Battle Wound!!!

So sorry this picture is sooo blurry but it is hard to get a good picture of bruises and cuts... so this is my battle wound... I got it on a bracket that was holding a pipe to the wall in the tunnle when I was participating in the tunnle of terror... I was running away from the chainsaw guy full speed screaming and crying, it is surprising how many people get scared by that... oh i wasn't scared but I was scaring people. Don't worry it hurts but it is more annoying then anything else... but hey what ya gonna do? I think it looks prretty freakin sweet!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

So here are a couple pics of our ward halloween party... I honestly don't know the neme of the girl in the pic with me but she wanted a picture with me because we are both pirates... so yeah... Oh and don't you love annalisa's costume... she even has the little baby at her feet!!! Well I'm not going to lie... it wasn't the best party I've been to but it defunately could have been worse... so yeah here you go... I am going to try and find some more pics of some really good costumes....
(P.S. So I use to be given crap if I didn't blog that often but have you noticed the date on mom and dads last blog....?)

Neon stomp

So here are some pics of the Neon stomp that was last friday... it was cool!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

50 0dd things about me... unless i get bored and stop... then less :)

1. Do you like blue cheese? No. That is disgusting...have you ever thought that you are eating something that is currently alive :P.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? NO! (who wrote this thing!)
3. Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? I don't ever get drinks like that but I do get slushies, I like all kinds though, depends on my mood!
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No just annoyed that I have to take time out of my life to go!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? they are good if they are "well" cooked with lots of onions and katchup. but I have to a gree with heidi... don't even think about what they are made of!!!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Probablly Chrismas with the Kranks or one of the Santa Clase movies with Tim Allen.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water... milk chocolate or orange juice only after I have been up for a few hours.
9. Can you do push-ups? Duh!
10. Age? 18
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My only one...
12. Favorite hobby? Rock climbing, anything out side or just hanging with my friends
13. Favorite Actor: I would have to say Jonny Depp though Robin Williams is really good too.
14. Do you have A.D.D.? yes, of coarse, why would you even ha... Oooo look a squirle!!!!
15. What's one trait you hate about yourself?That I tend to think too much and that I have so much going through my head all the time that I can't even think anything through and then I give myself headachs.....
16. Middle name? None, no my middle name isn't none, that means i don't have one... my mom says girls already have enough names once they get married
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1) I really should be doing my criminal justice home work right now...
2) I really should be doing my statistics homework right now....
3) I totally waisted my day by sleeping in as long as I did... at least I didn't sleep til four like my room mate....
4) I wonder if the Mascarade ball is going to be fun tonight?
5) I wonder how you spell mascarade....
6) Do you think... wait... you only wanted 3... I'm telling you have way too much going on in my head at once... I could take you to well over 10 at least...
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday/today?
1) veggie (yes, It is true... don't go into shock or anything
2) a Shammy... don't ask...
3) body wash.... you all should be very greatful for this...deoderant can only do so much... (just kidding...don't freak out)
19. 3 drinks you regularly drink?
1) Water
2) instant breakfest
3) butter milk syrup... just kidding ;)
20. 3 Current worries?
1) I wonder what "Billy" thinks of me?
2) that I'm going to fail my Criminal Justice test, they are so least I think so...
3) Do you think things will work out between me and "Jimmy"?
4)Will I get my depression under controll...? (once again I think to much so I will stop at this point....)
21. Current hate right now? Depression...It is ok right now but it still sick hard core!!!!!!!!
22. Favorite place to be? Can it be a state of mind... if so, where everything is happy and there are no worries, reality... any where hanging out with my friends....
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Setting up decorations for Heidi and Scott's wedding
24. Where would you like to go? Australia, Russia, & hawaii.
25. Name three people who will complete this. Probably nobody - I just am doing it because I needed a break from my homework... I was willing to do anything but it and I am sick and tired of cleaning especially when it is not even my mess!!
26. Do you own slippers? Not right now but I really want some fuzzy ones with the rubber bottoms so i can wear them to my 7:30 class.
27. What shirt are you wearing? A white Aeropastle T-shirt with green writting on it
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I do not know... never tried before
29. Can you whistle? yep, how else do you get your dogs attention? To bad it doesn't work for Trixy!
30. Favorite color? Green & terquoise (I have no clue how to spell that)
31. Would you be a pirate? Yes, I am going to be one tonight in fact!!! ;)
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I usually don't unless I am really hipper and I am the only one at home (the one in riverton) ;)
33. Favorite girl's name? right now...Ally, I know there are ones I like better but I can't think if them right now.
34. Favorite boy's name? Jacob, but I really like the "ty" names like Tyson, Tyrell, and of coarse Ty
35. What is in your pocket? these pants don't have pockets...
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Will doing his dance to the song "bye bye bye"
37. Best bed sheets as a child? probablly the seaseme street ones...or was that just the wall paper?.... I really liked the acctual mattress that had raggedy ann on it, but I don't really remember my sheets seeing how I don't sleep on them that does make sense..
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Probablly my broken toe...
39. Do you love where you live? Castilleja is a lot of fun!
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? None, but there is one inn the lobby.
44. Who is your loudest friend? Wow... that is a hard one... remember I live in a college dorm...and I do hang out with theatre people.... I would have to say brook... she has the loudest scream ever, and screams at everything... its a wonder her family has hearing... its a wonder that we still have hearing seeing that we live with her...
42. How many dogs do you have? 2 (Trixy and Crystal) I miss them soooooooooo much!!! :(
43. Does someone have a crush on you? No.... :(, but then again that just makes life complicated so it is probablly better that way...
44. What is your favorite book(S)? the Twighlight series... duh
45. Where were you born? Utah... Salt lake City? or Midvale?
46. What is your favorite candy? resses, snikers, hershey's bar, hershey's cookies and cream, and many many more... depends on the day
47. Favorite Sports Team? Snow College bagers
48. What songs do you want played at your funeral? I don't know... the Macarana ( I hate spelling)...wouldn't it be a little morbid if I thought about that at my age...?
49.What are you doing at 12 A.M.? last night coming home from a stomp or watching a movie... tonight dancing or walking around with my friends :) (hopefully...).
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Spencer probablly wants me to open the door....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I was going to change my background, but i don't have anywhere to click that says add element so I get stuck at that point.... what do I do?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


so here is a pic from homecoming before you all start to bug me... this is all for now atleast...because today has not been a good one

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So sometime I am going to have to tell you all about my date I had on Thursday, but I decided that I am only going to tell certain things on my blogg until I set it up to be by inventation only. So yeah... oh, check the comments on the previous entries because I answered you questions in that area, so yeah... thats all.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rock climbing again :)

This is just a freakin sweet picture of me at the top of my first climb of the day (Sorry this picture is sideways, it would not turn and I was getting frustrated so I just gave up)

This is the hard one that I talk about a little bit later (sorry they are out of order), but look at the feet here to!
This is me climbing, i can't remember the name of the place that we were, infact I don't think I ever knew.

Don't worry, this picture wasn't taken when someone was climbing, but i guess in a way you could because it was taken from the "ground". It was hard to find a easy or comfortable place to stand or sit when you weren't climbing...

this ir me ofcoarse :) I would like you to look and see what my hand was holding and what my foot is on.... did you look yet?.... yeah, you don't see anything, do ya.... this was the hardest climb I had done yet, hands down!!!
Look!!! I made it to the top!!! It was sooooo stinking hard (well I thought so but then again there are people like Holden who could just spider monkey up it) I was so proud of myself that I made it, it felt so good!
This is Holden. Isn't it a cute picture! I thought it was. Anyway... I took this picture and he startedsaying how he never looks good in pictures but I disagree.

Bon Fire

This is us doing a fire dance... I promise I did do better, I just got distracted for this Picture.
I thought this was a kinda cool picture, with all the ash... maybe not :0
Although we were all pretty good at the fire dance, no one can beat Jenica when she gets in the zone!!!

Rock Climbing

This is me (duh) at the top of my first climb, I didn't fall once (thought trust me, I have plenty of times since then, but don't worry, I haven't gotten hurt), it felt so good to get to the top.

This is me (once again duh) baleing (that is spelt so wrong, sorry) for Kayla (one of the girls I hang out with in rock climbing).

This is a freaking awsome picture taken from the top of that first climb, but don't worry mom, I didn't take it.

Hanging in our room

This is my roommate Jenica, i know that she doesn't look that happy in this pic but I promise she is usually quite hipper. I don't remember what I did but I think I had woken her up in some annoying way that morning and this was the first time she had seen me since. Anyway, she wasn't really mad, she started laughting right after I took this.

Me and Jenica had pushed our beds together a couple of nights before this and we just hadn't gotten around to moving them back, but hey, we were having great fun. From left to right it is Mikayla, Asa, Jenica, Spencer, Megan, and Lizz.

This one is me (ofcoarse) and Asa, He is so funny. He just got back from his mission maybe 3 months ago and he still has a spanish accent and when you get him to talk really fast, like when he gets defensive, he starts out in english and ends speaking spanish. :)

This is Spencer and Jenica. They are just lain silly! Spencer is pretty cool, he hangs over at our place a lot and it is nice to have someone to talk to once in a while, he also comes up with fun things to do when we get bord. We are all glad that he comes over a lot, well, atleast i am, I guess I shouldn't speek for everyone.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Just so you know I have tried to blog many times but for some reason I can't. According to Spencer I have a fire wall on my photo gallary that makes it so I can't upload pics to the internet. I haven't figured out how to get around it myself and Spencer has not had time, nor have I, to show me. So I will keep working on it but i just wanted to let you know that i have been trying.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Nag nag nag... here you go. i'm sorry that i haven't posted anything for a long time but I do have a life that doesn't involve a lot of time on the computer. College is fun... I decided that i may not ever get sleep... there is no much going on... last night i was up til 3:30, it was fun, we pushed our beds together and me jenica and lizz watched a movie till we fell asleep. the night befor that i was up till 4:30 and that was a lot of fun too. Well i don't really have pics because i am really bad at that but I will work on it, for now you are just going to have to bee happy with this.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I realize that I didn' explain what the pics where. The first one is inside the library, thae whole building was amazing. the next one was of a Grand Central station, it is so weird how like all of there buildings are so.. well... amazing. 3rd was one of time square. 4th was me in the Hershey's store and fyi, that would be called a hat Heidi... the last one was of all the taxis looking out of the hotel window. i can't wait to show you more!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New york

Well I have had a request that should put a few pics from my new york trip on here so I will but to see more your going to have to come see me because there is no way that I am going to post over 400 pics on this blog. Also, if youwant details... well i get impatient putting things down on paper so ya...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well not this last saturday but the saturday but the one before that I went to the snior dinner dance. It was fun but the best part was after when me shanda and James bought ice cream, spread a blanket out in the school parking lot ant ate and played. (the computer is being stupid so at the moment I can't post pictures)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Center Stage

Yesterday I had my center stage performance, I think it went pretty well.
first it started with a senior musical number. I didn't know the song as well as I wish I could of because I didn't know I was going to do this til Wednesday. then I preformaed The show I was in, Infanito. It went pretty good. (sorry, rgw pictures are in reverse order)

band banquet

Whe had the band banquet this week and it was fun and the food was great. best of all Mr.Fallon kept it short. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Staind Glass Window

So this is my Staind Glass Window that I had to make for Humanities. How do you like?

Friday, May 9, 2008

How much longer!?!

So, Tyson (oh, and Heidi) when is it that you are coming down to see me. Is there anything fun that you and your mom want to do while you are here. I'm excited to see you, I bet you have grown so much!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Yes I read your comments Heidi. So last week during aerobics I found that I was much more flexible. Now this picture is not right after I finnish working out but it is 3 or more hours later. I was acctually able to get my checks to touch my knees, but the picture doesn't show it very well.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So I finished my turtle in ceramics and I finally got to bring it home. So how do you like?

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Sme of you (Heidi) always ask whats new, yet now some of you (Heidi) now just say check my blog so now I have the same advice for you. I'mnot promissing that I will update it often or any thing but you what to know what s going on so here.