Monday, November 17, 2008

Rock climbing trip

So these pics are a little backwards.... the 2nd one is of me climbing and the 1st one is from the top of that climb, but don't worry mom I didn't take it... and its only 147 feet high... :P


Grumpy said...

Okay, I'm having cold sweats now!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Go M! You're amazing! I better quit slacking off and start exercizing again... you're probably in better shape than any of us now! :)
Love you! Glad you're having fun at college.

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Those are some nice pictures! Did the girl take the picture from the top or while she was climbing? Glad you had a good time!

M said...

No we got evan to take it from the top... both of us were to scared to drop the camara...

yer mom said...

Now I will have nightmares - thanks alot Emily - I will also have ulcers, zits, diaherra and extra wrinkles - see what you have done to me!