this is done with charcol... I want to know what you HONESTLY think... can you tell what it is?...

this is done with pencile... can you tell what it is?

this isn't anything in particular, i was just a little stressed so i started to draw... what do you think?
I am so impressed - you have always been so artistic - seriously - you know that you got this from the Hellstrom side not the Baker. I hope you keep this up. They look fantastic
They look awesome. I thought I did good in my art class until now...thanks a lot! Seriously, they are great.
Those look way good! Maybe I won't show you my art... The second one is a paper airplane, Randy and I are debating on the first one...but they all look really good! Are you having fun in that class?
Speaking of good art, have you finished Tyson's bum?
The first one looks like a piece of material of a sheet draped over a chair. The second one looks like a piece of paper folded like a fan. And the third picture is just plain awesome. :) You're very artistic!
awww thanks...
1- Fabric of some sort draped over a chair or something similar.
2- Paper airplane upside down on a flat surface.
3- Practice art of a future graffiti tagger that in 50 years will be prevented from removal due to the historical and cultural signifigance of the work. I think I've seen this style on the side of a train.
All of them are awesome, does Snow offer a commercial art program or do you just want to do this for fun?
what is commercial art?
are you going to tell us if we are right with what we think they are?
first one is fabric
second one is a paper airplane... but it isn't upside down...
and who knows what the last one is... i got the basic idea from a tatoo...
boyfriends tatoo?
Commercial art is doing graphic design/art for print media (advertising, magazines, newpapers, billboards, mailers, etc.) as opposed to starving art which is trying to sell paintings, sculptures etc.
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