Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bon Fire

This is us doing a fire dance... I promise I did do better, I just got distracted for this Picture.
I thought this was a kinda cool picture, with all the ash... maybe not :0
Although we were all pretty good at the fire dance, no one can beat Jenica when she gets in the zone!!!


Heidi P, That's me! said...

Thank you for clarifying the ash. I would have thought it was snow. It looks like Jenica is singing (well I wouldn't know if she was singing in a picture) but it looks like she is doing the actions to Zimba Warrior!

Grumpy said...

I thoght she was pointing the way to the restrooms.

yer mom said...

playing with fire - what a fun college experience - I thought only boy scouts did that!

M said...

Heidi~ do you really need to mock my comments on the pics :( not nice... What is Zimba Warrior?

Dad~ Ha Ha (insert eye roll here) are tou serious? I can't tell if you are being sarcastic when I can't hear your voice.

You know me... I love fire... it is soooooooo cool...then again I am not like the average girl, I guess you could easily compare me to a boy scout ;)

Heidi P, That's me! said...

I was serious about the snow.