Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rock Climbing

This is me (duh) at the top of my first climb, I didn't fall once (thought trust me, I have plenty of times since then, but don't worry, I haven't gotten hurt), it felt so good to get to the top.

This is me (once again duh) baleing (that is spelt so wrong, sorry) for Kayla (one of the girls I hang out with in rock climbing).

This is a freaking awsome picture taken from the top of that first climb, but don't worry mom, I didn't take it.


Heidi P, That's me! said...

That is a freakin' awesome picture! Randy says he's been there, he knows right where you were, he could get in the car and drive to the very spot! He went there with Wes Crouch, remember him? You should, it was your "Fat Jack, Skinny Jack" assignment!

M said...

I believe that the assignment was skinny Wes not skinny Jack... how would he know for sure, I think the pics are from two different places in the same canyon, but im not sure, I would have to look at the pics again to tell for sure.