Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hanging in our room

This is my roommate Jenica, i know that she doesn't look that happy in this pic but I promise she is usually quite hipper. I don't remember what I did but I think I had woken her up in some annoying way that morning and this was the first time she had seen me since. Anyway, she wasn't really mad, she started laughting right after I took this.

Me and Jenica had pushed our beds together a couple of nights before this and we just hadn't gotten around to moving them back, but hey, we were having great fun. From left to right it is Mikayla, Asa, Jenica, Spencer, Megan, and Lizz.

This one is me (ofcoarse) and Asa, He is so funny. He just got back from his mission maybe 3 months ago and he still has a spanish accent and when you get him to talk really fast, like when he gets defensive, he starts out in english and ends speaking spanish. :)

This is Spencer and Jenica. They are just lain silly! Spencer is pretty cool, he hangs over at our place a lot and it is nice to have someone to talk to once in a while, he also comes up with fun things to do when we get bord. We are all glad that he comes over a lot, well, atleast i am, I guess I shouldn't speek for everyone.


Heidi P, That's me! said...

WOW! It is so nice to put faces to your names and stories! Now I don't have to picture your roommates bald and 40 years old!

Grumpy said...

Hey, I resemble that remark. I'm one of her former roomates and I'm bald and 50+ years old.

yer mom said...

well it looks like you have the party room - I'm glad you are having fun.

M said...

Wow, i don't know how to respond to that one... Wow... my family is soooo weird...yeah...I read this and started to laugh full out and people wanted to know what I was laughing at

Erin said...

Yeah for Castilleja 205B!