Sunday, September 7, 2008


Nag nag nag... here you go. i'm sorry that i haven't posted anything for a long time but I do have a life that doesn't involve a lot of time on the computer. College is fun... I decided that i may not ever get sleep... there is no much going on... last night i was up til 3:30, it was fun, we pushed our beds together and me jenica and lizz watched a movie till we fell asleep. the night befor that i was up till 4:30 and that was a lot of fun too. Well i don't really have pics because i am really bad at that but I will work on it, for now you are just going to have to bee happy with this.


Heidi P, That's me! said...

I am more than happy, I am thrilled! You blogged! Sounds like you are having fun! Keep having fun, stay out of serious trouble and don't fail your classes (in fact get good grades or your fun next year will be more expensive!)

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Wow....I almost had a heartattack when I saw that there was something new!!!!!!!!! It does sound fun... but it is educational. Stay safe and try to learn a little if you have time.