Saturday, September 27, 2008


So sometime I am going to have to tell you all about my date I had on Thursday, but I decided that I am only going to tell certain things on my blogg until I set it up to be by inventation only. So yeah... oh, check the comments on the previous entries because I answered you questions in that area, so yeah... thats all.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rock climbing again :)

This is just a freakin sweet picture of me at the top of my first climb of the day (Sorry this picture is sideways, it would not turn and I was getting frustrated so I just gave up)

This is the hard one that I talk about a little bit later (sorry they are out of order), but look at the feet here to!
This is me climbing, i can't remember the name of the place that we were, infact I don't think I ever knew.

Don't worry, this picture wasn't taken when someone was climbing, but i guess in a way you could because it was taken from the "ground". It was hard to find a easy or comfortable place to stand or sit when you weren't climbing...

this ir me ofcoarse :) I would like you to look and see what my hand was holding and what my foot is on.... did you look yet?.... yeah, you don't see anything, do ya.... this was the hardest climb I had done yet, hands down!!!
Look!!! I made it to the top!!! It was sooooo stinking hard (well I thought so but then again there are people like Holden who could just spider monkey up it) I was so proud of myself that I made it, it felt so good!
This is Holden. Isn't it a cute picture! I thought it was. Anyway... I took this picture and he startedsaying how he never looks good in pictures but I disagree.

Bon Fire

This is us doing a fire dance... I promise I did do better, I just got distracted for this Picture.
I thought this was a kinda cool picture, with all the ash... maybe not :0
Although we were all pretty good at the fire dance, no one can beat Jenica when she gets in the zone!!!

Rock Climbing

This is me (duh) at the top of my first climb, I didn't fall once (thought trust me, I have plenty of times since then, but don't worry, I haven't gotten hurt), it felt so good to get to the top.

This is me (once again duh) baleing (that is spelt so wrong, sorry) for Kayla (one of the girls I hang out with in rock climbing).

This is a freaking awsome picture taken from the top of that first climb, but don't worry mom, I didn't take it.

Hanging in our room

This is my roommate Jenica, i know that she doesn't look that happy in this pic but I promise she is usually quite hipper. I don't remember what I did but I think I had woken her up in some annoying way that morning and this was the first time she had seen me since. Anyway, she wasn't really mad, she started laughting right after I took this.

Me and Jenica had pushed our beds together a couple of nights before this and we just hadn't gotten around to moving them back, but hey, we were having great fun. From left to right it is Mikayla, Asa, Jenica, Spencer, Megan, and Lizz.

This one is me (ofcoarse) and Asa, He is so funny. He just got back from his mission maybe 3 months ago and he still has a spanish accent and when you get him to talk really fast, like when he gets defensive, he starts out in english and ends speaking spanish. :)

This is Spencer and Jenica. They are just lain silly! Spencer is pretty cool, he hangs over at our place a lot and it is nice to have someone to talk to once in a while, he also comes up with fun things to do when we get bord. We are all glad that he comes over a lot, well, atleast i am, I guess I shouldn't speek for everyone.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Just so you know I have tried to blog many times but for some reason I can't. According to Spencer I have a fire wall on my photo gallary that makes it so I can't upload pics to the internet. I haven't figured out how to get around it myself and Spencer has not had time, nor have I, to show me. So I will keep working on it but i just wanted to let you know that i have been trying.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Nag nag nag... here you go. i'm sorry that i haven't posted anything for a long time but I do have a life that doesn't involve a lot of time on the computer. College is fun... I decided that i may not ever get sleep... there is no much going on... last night i was up til 3:30, it was fun, we pushed our beds together and me jenica and lizz watched a movie till we fell asleep. the night befor that i was up till 4:30 and that was a lot of fun too. Well i don't really have pics because i am really bad at that but I will work on it, for now you are just going to have to bee happy with this.