Wednesday, September 21, 2011

pAiNt DaNcE!!!!

(Eric, Tara, Spencer, Betsy, Garin, Me, Cameron, and Brianna)
So on Monday night there was a paint dance! It was so much fun! They at this watered down florescent paint that glowed in black light and then they had people who were spraying it every where using those water squirt-er-things.... the ones we attacked Grumpy with that one time, but much bigger. Then they also had gallon cans of just the paint you would use to paint your house being passed around the mosh pit. I had so much paint on me because Mike attacked me with it...(he isn't in this picture cuz he stayed longer then us)

This picture was just taken randomly after the other one... apparently we were being gangster... but that didn't work so well...

This is me and Tara's butts... she was so proud of how much paint she had on her butt... I had quite a bit on the back of my shirt, but more on the front of my pants and feet...

These are my feet.... if you couldn't tell... they were supper blue cuz I didn't wear shoes to the dance and then we found blue paint and were stepping in and then putting foot prints all over people! :) They were pretty dirty but that was also from walking home from the dance...
It was so much fun!!!! Here is an idea for the next family reunion! ;) haha


Heidi P, That's me! said...

Was this outside? Sounds like a good time!

M said...

yes it was outside.... so far this year I have been to 3 dances (2 were on the same night. one institute the other the school)they have all been outside which I think is great because I always thought it was stupid to have them all inside because it gets so hot! I really think they just do that here because they are trying to enjoy the nice weather before the snow comes!

Grumpy said...

From the look of the pictures, I don't think I'll ask you to help paint. Looks like you all had a good time!

Grumpy said...

However, you do have some "painting clothes" now! :)