Thursday, September 8, 2011


So on Labor Day me and some of my roommates decided to go and hike to the wind caves. It was a bit harder then we expected, but it was pretty awesome!

This is me, Kyrsten, and Camille. We were just under this little overhang and a resting place on the way up.

This is me, Camille, Kim, and Hailey. This was about a 3rd of the way up I think.... we just thought that it was a great view.

This one is at the Wind caves and it is Kyrsten, Kim, Camille, me, And Hailey. This is all of us that went, Tara went home to go visit an old friend and didn't get back till about the same time that we got back from the hike. It was really fun and I hope that I get to go hiking again soon.


Heidi P, That's me! said...

Sounds like a fun hike! Was the "harder" hike a shock like when we took Dustin to Timp cave? So all your roommates are pretty cool then? Which two are sisters?

M said...

I don't think that the shock was quite like the one we gave Dustin ;)
Camille and Hailey are the sisters, Camille just got off her mission, and Hailey is a freshman

Grumpy said...

Great pictures, glad you had fun!

The Gal said...

Is it really high?