Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good Times!

This is a group of us at Stake FHE! We had just had an entertaining game of where's Tara... similar to where's Waldo, but requires more energy.

This is Brianna, me, and Betsy at FHE, we just had Tara's camera and decided to take random pictures with it.

This is a big group of us at peach days, we were waiting for the parade to start! I was watching the dog :) I miss Trixy so much!!!

So we found the coolest park ever!!! well there is one like it in Manti, but the coolest one here! We were standing on this giant circle that was slanted and as we would walk around the edges it would spin! It was so much fun despite the fact that it hurts when you fall of it. Totally worth it!!!


Heidi P, That's me! said...

Sounds like you are having a great time!

Grumpy said...

I'm glad to see you're having some fun! Scott probably wishes he could go to Peach Days!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

You should have played where's Waldo, it would have been easy. (He's on your shirt...)

M said...

I know! I love that shirt :)