Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Walk

So one Tuesday night I went on a double date to the pumpkin walk. It was where people had taken pumpkins and made different scenes with them. They had the Despicable me stuff and whinny the pooh. They had Calvin and Hobs, and tons of other scenes. Sorry the pictures aren't that great.


Grumpy said...

SOunds like fun and the pumpkins are pretty cool!

Heidi P, That's me! said...

That is way cool. Who is the guy?

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Tyson is amazed! "I like, they are nice" "do you have more pictures?"

M said...

his name is Garin and he is a good fiend.

Yanx Lady said...

cools... funny... so creative... good idea n greet job

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