Thursday, October 27, 2011

Airplane Ride

So today Aaron Fox Showed up and took me on an Airplane ride. He is gonna come to Logan and do flight school next semester so he was here to check out the program and see if it is really what he wants to do. He even got to fly the plane for a while. These first picture are ones that I tool from the plane. They aren't the best quality because I took them with my phone because I didn't know I would be needing my camera today. He just called and asked me if I wanted to go when I was on the way to my institute class and picked me up.... I don't usually have my camera with me when I go to class. It was so much fun and I hope you like the pictures!

This is the plane we went up in... pretty sweet huh?! There are just 4 seats in it and we had the headphones on just like they do in the movies... random comment, but I had never really thought about it.

These are the pilots..... Arron is on the left and the instructor is on the right.


Grumpy said...

That is awesome!

Heidi P, That's me! said...

That is so fun! Tyson said "good that airplane ride is pretty cool of you that you went on the airplane ride and how did you get on the airplane."

M said...

you can tell tyson that I got in the plane through the window!!!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Logan says,
kl hymkh,h,jllj,l.
Translation, airplane cool!