Wednesday, September 21, 2011

pAiNt DaNcE!!!!

(Eric, Tara, Spencer, Betsy, Garin, Me, Cameron, and Brianna)
So on Monday night there was a paint dance! It was so much fun! They at this watered down florescent paint that glowed in black light and then they had people who were spraying it every where using those water squirt-er-things.... the ones we attacked Grumpy with that one time, but much bigger. Then they also had gallon cans of just the paint you would use to paint your house being passed around the mosh pit. I had so much paint on me because Mike attacked me with it...(he isn't in this picture cuz he stayed longer then us)

This picture was just taken randomly after the other one... apparently we were being gangster... but that didn't work so well...

This is me and Tara's butts... she was so proud of how much paint she had on her butt... I had quite a bit on the back of my shirt, but more on the front of my pants and feet...

These are my feet.... if you couldn't tell... they were supper blue cuz I didn't wear shoes to the dance and then we found blue paint and were stepping in and then putting foot prints all over people! :) They were pretty dirty but that was also from walking home from the dance...
It was so much fun!!!! Here is an idea for the next family reunion! ;) haha

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good Times!

This is a group of us at Stake FHE! We had just had an entertaining game of where's Tara... similar to where's Waldo, but requires more energy.

This is Brianna, me, and Betsy at FHE, we just had Tara's camera and decided to take random pictures with it.

This is a big group of us at peach days, we were waiting for the parade to start! I was watching the dog :) I miss Trixy so much!!!

So we found the coolest park ever!!! well there is one like it in Manti, but the coolest one here! We were standing on this giant circle that was slanted and as we would walk around the edges it would spin! It was so much fun despite the fact that it hurts when you fall of it. Totally worth it!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


So on Labor Day me and some of my roommates decided to go and hike to the wind caves. It was a bit harder then we expected, but it was pretty awesome!

This is me, Kyrsten, and Camille. We were just under this little overhang and a resting place on the way up.

This is me, Camille, Kim, and Hailey. This was about a 3rd of the way up I think.... we just thought that it was a great view.

This one is at the Wind caves and it is Kyrsten, Kim, Camille, me, And Hailey. This is all of us that went, Tara went home to go visit an old friend and didn't get back till about the same time that we got back from the hike. It was really fun and I hope that I get to go hiking again soon.

The Apartment

So Heidi requested that I put some pictures on here of the rest of my room and of my apartment... so here they are, sorry it took me awhile to get them on here, I have just been a little busy.

Ok. So this is my room looking back towards the closet.

This is the Vanity area....

this is looking into the kitchen....

This is the living room..... but we have already re arranged it... the couch is now on the other side of the room :)
and last of all these are the stairs that lead upstairs to the bed rooms and vanity area.....
I hope these pictures are ok, but you really should just come and see it yourself ;)