Monday, April 5, 2010

My Photoshop Class

Sorry that I haven't blogged in forever.... I really am... so I just thought that I would show you a little of what i have been doing in my photoshop class...

This is before...

...this is after

This is another before...

...and an after.

Well I hope you like them... I would put some more on, but honestly they are a pain to put on because I have to change the format then resave them in that format before putting them on, but if you want I will put a couple more on.... I love you all!


Heidi P, That's me! said...

I love them they look great! You will have to give me a photo class. I would love to see as many as you can stand to put on...

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Oh, I didn't know you had posted until I read your comment on my blog. Yes, I do like the pic of me a lot better now! Good job. :) And I too would love to see as many as you feel like posting. :)

Heidi-n-Scott said...

They look great, I understand if you don't want to post a ton, so you can show me next time I see you (if you have your laptop).

Grumpy said...

Okay, who talked (guilted) M into posting on her blog? Or did I sleep through the conference talk that told us we she post more often on our blogs?

Nice pictures M!

You should post your coat of arms.

M said...

I decided to on my own (thank you very much) because I know you guys wish I would more...
oh, and scott, when I come home from school I always have my laptop per request of dad :)
I will try to post some more, but life has gotten beyond crazy now with finals and the preformance coming up, i don't seem to have any down time currently, I am always in class doing homework or at a dance practice... then I'm so tired that I usually go to sleep.. last couple nights have been before 12... believe it or not a few times at 10! but i will see what I can do about posting more... I love ya all

yer mom said...

oh teach me how to do that stuff when you come home