Friday, April 9, 2010


Well it is coming, whether or not we are ready! I would love you all to come if you can but I understand if you can't.... I just might hold it against you for a long long time..... :-D


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Plan on Heidi and Logan coming!!

Grumpy said...

I'll be there curly!

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Nice comment baldy....

Will you film it? I just don't think and 8 hour drive is in my mental well being with Tyson and Abby right now...unless I had a limo or police car, something with a sound proof barrier between the front seat (where I would be) and the back (where the other 3 would be) Good luck though!!!! I love you anyway!!!!

Grumpy said...

Sllllllammmm! Call someone baldy then ask a favor??????

yer mom said...

Of course I will be there. That is a cool picture of the dance group. I'm excited to come

M said...

I'm pretty sure a police car doesn't have a sound proof barrier heidi, i think that would be more like a cage :) and the whole thing should be recorded...

Heidi P, That's me! said...

M I love when you blog, because it turns into a family chat room like no other blog is capable of doing.... its fabulous. BTW I want to hear if we are all right about your other thing.

M said...

Oddly enough I wish our family could do this all the time, but the older generation is a little behind ;)
other thing? im confused? should I know about this?....ummmm....?

M said...

oh, and you seee heidi, if I blogged all the time then the comments on my blog probablly wouldn't be so much fun

Heidi P, That's me! said...

coat of arms...

M said...

oh, everyone does have a part of it right so together you get most of it :)