Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So yesterday i went to richfield with Evencio and Tyrell and I ate at Wingers.... it was so good... yummm.... thats all....


Grumpy said...

Did you eat your celery sticks and popcorn?

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Who is Evencio??

M said...

I didn't get any celery sticks because it didn't come with what i ordered... and I personally didn't have popcorn because I was for warned that i wasn't going to beable to finish my meal (which turned out to be true) and i wanted to have plenty of room for it... and evencio is just a guy down here that i met because he was one of spencer's room mates and he hung out with jenica a lot... but he has a boyfriend... so yeah...

Heidi-n-Scott said...

HE? has a boyfriend?? ...oh.

M said...

Not going to lie... a little awkward....

Heidi P, That's me! said...

please tell me you ate wings...