Monday, February 9, 2009

20's dance

So on saturday night i went to a twenties dance*... it was a lot of fun. They had an open bar, black jack, and really good music. The first 2 hours there was a dj... the last 2 hours was a live jazz band... I got to dance a lot. Many of the people there dressed up in clothing from that time period, but I didn't...but I still had a great time*


Grumpy said...

Open bar????

M said...

You wish you were there... root beer, cream soda, orange soda... good stuff

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Good clarification about the open bar.

Sometimes in life when I get a random e-mail I'm confused, but then I'm better...

Sounds fun!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

FUN!! And...why didn't you dress up? Are you not the dressy-up kind?

M said...

I didn't want to put in the effort because I wasn't feeling that great...