Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One more Pic.

this is me and Tyrell and Lizz and Joe at Deny's after the dance....


So yesterday i went to richfield with Evencio and Tyrell and I ate at Wingers.... it was so good... yummm.... thats all....

Monday, February 9, 2009

20's dance

So on saturday night i went to a twenties dance*... it was a lot of fun. They had an open bar, black jack, and really good music. The first 2 hours there was a dj... the last 2 hours was a live jazz band... I got to dance a lot. Many of the people there dressed up in clothing from that time period, but I didn't...but I still had a great time*

The Dance... (Dah dah dah)

So... You all wanted details about the dance... well we had dinner at our appartment... it was decorated like we were in a little kids coloring book at the park... we sat on the floor and had sandwitches ad such. After we finished eatting we palyed some card games for a bit...
Then we split up and got ready for the dance... then we went to the dance... so yeah... oh and by the way, these pics where taken after the dance so my hair was no longer done and I really don't like these pictures so you should just be happy that I'm showing them to you... no laughing at me...
After the dance we changed into more comfortable clothes and went to deny's... that is always fun... By the time we got back from deny's the other couple that was in our car was pretty much asleep so we took them home and then me and Tyrell went to his apartment and watched the movie Mr. Beans Holliday... I was funny... then we went on a maverik run then called it a night.... or a morning (whatever you want to call it... it was 5:00)
Now before I get these questions from anyone else.... No we did not hold hands.... No I did not Kiss him... No he did not kiss me... and Yes it was a ton of fun...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Dance

I had so much fun at the dance, I can honestly say that I think yhay was the best date I have ever been on... I will have to post more details and some pics later though because I am really not feeling that great at the moment soi am going to go back to bed... again...