Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Computer image editing fiinal part 3.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thanks Again!

I know that I already thanked you guys for coming, but I had to make some sort of card for my Photoshop class, so I chose to do this! :)

P.S. Scott and Randy, I understand why you couldn't come and I still love you both, I just might make you watch the movie! hahah just kidding, I wouldn't do that to you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank you

Thank you for coming to my ballroom performance, I know we are not professionals or anything, but I hope that you sis have a good time and enjoyed it. I loved having you guys come and wish you could more often.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Well it is coming, whether or not we are ready! I would love you all to come if you can but I understand if you can't.... I just might hold it against you for a long long time..... :-D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stress Relief

So Dad wanted me to put the coat of arms up that I made... I had to make it for a class but I took extra time on it because I needed the stress relief a drawing seems to help with that. (oh, i answered questions in the comment section of the last post) so anyways, here it is...

So I want to make this into a bit of a "test"... I want to see how many of you know what the things in the coat of arms are and what they stand for/why I put them in it. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Photoshop Class

Sorry that I haven't blogged in forever.... I really am... so I just thought that I would show you a little of what i have been doing in my photoshop class...

This is before...

...this is after

This is another before...

...and an after.

Well I hope you like them... I would put some more on, but honestly they are a pain to put on because I have to change the format then resave them in that format before putting them on, but if you want I will put a couple more on.... I love you all!