Monday, April 13, 2009

Pics to come....

The backpacking trip was sooooooooooooo much fun!!! I wish that it wasn't over... :'( I had the best group ever and I love them all sop much now. Our team work was amazing and it was something that just happened without trying... imagine that... the pictures will have to come later because I am getting them from people in class tomorrow... hopefully... well I have to get going.... love you all tons!


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Glad that you had so much fun! :)

yer mom said...

Well I'm sure that you're tired, sore and worn out. Glad you had fun. Can't wait to see the pictures - will they scare me as much as the rock climbing pictures. You know, don't you, that you are making me old.

M said...

mom... you already are old...

so I have so many knots in my back... it hurts...

Grumpy said...

I'm waiting......