Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friends, ceramics, quilting, and a anything else that came to mind :~P

So you know those really annoying chain emails that you get... sure some are way funny but you also get the way stupid ones that say if you don't send it to a million people then... blah blah blah... well for thoes of you who don't text... you get them there too... it is really quite obnoxious.... especially when your bored out of your mind and you get a text and your thinking yeah somebody loves me and then you open it and just see that one of your idiot friends believes the stupid warning at the bottom ar just wants to annoy the crap out of you... well I thought that this one was kinda funny, granted it could be really syupid and I just thought that it was funny because everything is funnier when your running on practically no sleep :^D


Fake friends never ask for food.
Real friends are the reason why you have no food.
Fake friends call your parents Mr./Mrs.
Real friends call your parents mom/dad.
Fake friends bail you out of jail and tell you that what you did was wrong.
Real frinds would be sitting next to you saying... "crap... we screwed up... but that was flipin' fun!"
Fake friends have never seen you cry.
Real friends cry with you.
Fake friends will leave you behind if thats what the crowd is doing.
Real friends will kick the whole crowds butt that left you.
Fake friends are for awhile.
Real frinds are for life.
Fake friends will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you.
Real friends will knock then the flip out.

Well I thought that was kinda cool, but you never know... once I get a good nights sleep I might look at this and think 'what the crap was I thinking!!!'

So today I was able to take most of my ceramic stuff home and I think that I will have all but two of the things by the end of this week and possibly all of it depending on the fireing times and such... and I did finish my quilt top this last week, but I will have to post the pictures after finals week or if i get everything done that I need toI will try to put atleast the pic of the quilt top on, i'm only not doing that in this freakishly long blog because it is not entirely possible to get a picture of it bymyself in this small of a space (ie. my apartment) so i will have on after I have my final class period today for quilting at 2:30...

Wow this post is quite long... thats not like me usually... I guess I just have a lot to say and oh no I'm not done yet despite the fact that I have probablly already put you to sleep or bored you to death.... there is more... there is always more.... muhahahah....

now this is just totally random but I wanted to say to Heidi and Scott..... HAPPY MOVING DAY!!! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help... I really am, I'm not just saying that no matter what you think...
Oh and heidi and Randy I was wondering if you have seen any possible job openings up there.... I'm getting a little worried... I don't know where i'm gong to live this summer {:o

Hmmmmmmm....... well I think that is all.... I have taken a long enough break from my stupid reatrded piece of crap english paper and I should probably get back to it no matter how much I hate the stupid thing..... Well i hope you all have a spectacular day and that you didn't die of boredom in attempting to read this.... Love ya all and hope to see you soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Backing Packing Trip Pics

So the first three pictures are of and arch called Jacod Hamons arch I was so scared climbing up there.... there were so many lose rock that we were climbing up... but the view was so worth it!!!!
the first picture is from the highest point, which it took a lot of coaxing to get me up there, looking down so that you can see both sides of the arch...
The second one is taken from the lowest poin in the arch, which I personally don't think is very low..., looking up at me and kenny at the highest point.
the third one is a pic that we took when we were coming up to the arch, before we decided that we were going to climb up into it.... It makes me wonder if Virgal's group climbed up into it...

This picture is a little blurry and I'm sorry for that.... I choose the wrong one... I couldn't tell which one was which from the tinny pics... It is of me, Emma, and Emily on the first day...

This is of our group on the first day where we took our lunch break....

So I haven't gotten all the pictures from the people in my group yet and so I don't even have some of the ones that I really want to show... there are also some other fun ones that I want to show you that I do have, but I don't have time to post them right now... well I hope this all makes sense because I was talking to heidi and tyson why I was doing this, so sorry if it is confusing..... there are more pics to come....................

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pics to come....

The backpacking trip was sooooooooooooo much fun!!! I wish that it wasn't over... :'( I had the best group ever and I love them all sop much now. Our team work was amazing and it was something that just happened without trying... imagine that... the pictures will have to come later because I am getting them from people in class tomorrow... hopefully... well I have to get going.... love you all tons!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I am bored... so sick of homework... I should be doing it right now.... grrrr.... no more english....