I am trying to decide if this lay out would look ok for my quilt... the shaded areas would be black... the big squares would be the pieced squares... the smaller ones would be the fishy print... the little strips near the edge would be black and random pieces of the other material. I was wondering what you honestly think... would it be to busy?
The fishy prints might be a bit busy, why not black strips all the way across?
Holy cow those little squares around the outside look Hard - but it will be good looking. Because the fish print is so big, I think that you need something else in it's place - either a plain color or a smaller print - you are quite the quilter - I'm next on your list for a quilte
the last comment and this comment are from mom not grumpy. He had signed on to your blog and I took over. sorry MOM not grumpy
I don't want to do black all the way accross for a few reasons...
1. it would look to dark with how thick I want to do the strips
2. because i want to do something a little more challenging
3. just becuse...
what if I got thoes fishy squares and broke them into four with two of them being black?... would that look better?
the fishy would be too busy i think. maybe you could do a plainer color instead of the fishes. the outside i think would be cool.
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