Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm not Dead

contrary to popular belief I am not dead...
anyway... so this is what I pretty much decided.... boys are confussing... but i did get the guts up to ask someone to sweethearts, now I'm just worried weather they are excited I asked them or not... I think to much :P...
So I am loving my new room! my roommates are way cool and so nice! I think that this is going to be a lot of fun and much more enjoyable then last semester!!! Well I think that is all for now, I got to go because I am on the phone with Heidi P.


Grumpy said...

You think boys are confusing, well, not wanting to get in trouble, they are nothing compared to girls.... weigh in on this one guys, if you have the guts!
It's good to hear that you're not dead though and I hope you enjoy your new roommates!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

I agree with dad. Girls are WAY more confusing! Have fun at the dance.

M said...

We are just confusing in a different way... if someone asks us what is wrong and they really want to know we will tell them (or atleast I will) but guys have to be all maco and crap and are just like nothing even thought you know something is wrong because their behavior has changed icluding the music they are listening to!!! I don't diny(?sp) that girls are confusing cause that is annoying to but atleast they will always tell me whats wrong :P grrrrrr.... sorry about that... I think that is enought venting for one day...

yer mom said...

I think that guys are hard because they don't talk. Hello, talk to me, converse with me, discuss with me, etc. etc. etc. I vote you go to the dance and don't worry or care if the guy is having fun - just care and make sure that you are having fun. Oh well what do I know. I'm 51 years old and married to an old bald man.

M said...

nice mom :)

Heidi P, That's me! said...

mom- not bald, just balding...

M- I'm glad you love your new room. Have fun at the dance and post a pic! Is it on Valentine's day?

M said...

It is on the 6th