Saturday, January 31, 2009

Which One?

So I need your opinion... I'm not sure wich one to wear.... The first one is the 'cute' option. This one doesn't make me look the skinniest... but it is cute...

Now this is the 'hot' option... I really like this one but I am wondering if you think it is too short in the back... I will have spandex shorts on. I like this one because I have never worn a 'hot' dress I have just worn ones that would go under the 'cute' catagory...

So I really need your opinion on this... I want to know what looks the best on me....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm not Dead

contrary to popular belief I am not dead...
anyway... so this is what I pretty much decided.... boys are confussing... but i did get the guts up to ask someone to sweethearts, now I'm just worried weather they are excited I asked them or not... I think to much :P...
So I am loving my new room! my roommates are way cool and so nice! I think that this is going to be a lot of fun and much more enjoyable then last semester!!! Well I think that is all for now, I got to go because I am on the phone with Heidi P.