Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You There!?!

My family is soooooo boring!!!!!! Has nothing new happened.... what is up with not blogging!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rock climbing trip

So these pics are a little backwards.... the 2nd one is of me climbing and the 1st one is from the top of that climb, but don't worry mom I didn't take it... and its only 147 feet high... :P

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


this is done with charcol... I want to know what you HONESTLY think... can you tell what it is?...
this is done with pencile... can you tell what it is?

this isn't anything in particular, i was just a little stressed so i started to draw... what do you think?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Details on the Neon Stomp

So you wanted to know some details... well in the first picture it is Evencio and Tyrell, the second picture is of Will doing his dance to the song 'Bye bye bye', the last one is of Evencio and if you don't know who the second person is then I don't think I can talk to you any more.... :O. So yes there were black lights and they had high lighters that you could write allover everyones arms and then it would glow and then even though wee have all showered a lot by now, wen we were in the tunnles and there was black lights you could still faintly see the writting on our arms still... its pretty cool. they also had glowsticks and some people had gotten a bunch and broke them and splatered them all over their shirts od spray painted designs on their shirts because where ever the paint was it didn't glow. So it was a lot of fun and the music was a bit better then usual... not as much rap because the raidio ataion wasn't the DJ... lets see... I think that is about it...