Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hey everyone! So I am in Logan now and my new address is

777 East 1000 North
Logan UT, 84321

I hope to hear from you guys soon, and I will be putting up pictures of my room sometime this week :)


Grumpy said...

Can't wait to see pictures of your apartment. love you - mom

Grumpy said...


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Cool! Exciting. :)
...BTW, I'm not sure if you can get away or not, but Eliza Stowell is getting baptised on Sept. 3rd if you want to go. Call me (or them) for the address. Love you! Can't wait to see pics and hear how things are going.

M said...

my bad

700 East 1000 North

Heidi-n-Scott said...

She's alive!!!!!!!!! I thought that this blog was extinct, but it is back from the dead....wow! Maybe now I will know what is going on in your life.

(From your favorite brother....EVER)

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Can't wait to see pictures. Call if you need anything.

M said...

Well Scott, everytime you guys bugged me to post on my blog i told you that I first needed something to blog about. Also i didn't know where my camera was for the last year, and I prefer to put pictures when I do post,but I found it now, so I can take pictures :)but yes, it is back from the dead.