Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More from Joshua Tree

I lovwe just being out in the middle of nowhere... it is so relaxing and you can forget about everything.... pluse the sunsets are amazing...these pics don't even do them justice... I'm not good at taking pictures sadly, but they are still pretty cool.

Ok, here is that first climbfrom the ground... the rock we climber is named tombstone... :)

Heres another cool picture of it :)

This is me by a Joshua tree.... it remeinds me of Dr. Suess... oh, and you can see that climb again in the back ground...

This is looking out towards our campground from the base of the climb (after we climbed up the boulders)...

One evening we went to the Salten Sea so that the guys that loved photography that were with us could get some cool pictures... i didn't even know that this picture was being taken until later that night when Jared showed it to me... I was just enjoying the sunset... I love all the birds in the background :)

Joshua Tree National Park

So this is me starting the first climb of my trip to Joshua Tree National Park to rock climb... don't you love how i'm right at the begining and yet I am already probably a good 30+ feet off the ground on that over hang.

This is me still working on getting up... where to go next... and no matter what Virg says, "up" is not a good answer... :p
Still working on it... looking back at it, this wasn't that hard of a climb, it just always takes me a climb or two to really get into it and try things that I haven't yet... I wish I could have done this one again after I had climbed some.

Hey Look! I made it to the top... you can tell its my first climb because of how nervous I look... haha... i hadn't gotten comfortable with the hights and the equipment again yet....
Do you want to see where I really am.....? mom... I don't know that you'll like this next picture :)

Yeah!!!! look at all the little joshua trees that aren't really all that little... you can see how big Jo is climbing so that gives you an idea of how big that rock really is.... we had to climb up boulders to get to this climb.... i will have to see if I can find a pictuer of this from the ground.