Monday, November 9, 2009

My New Look

I was just wondering what you all thought of my new look....
Sadly in this picture you can't see the small things like the black nails and the chain earing that attaches to my nose.... some really interesting guys were hitting on me though... maybe this new look could work out for me after all......


Grumpy said...

Now that is truly CREEPY! Isn't the rose blog a little dainty for this "Look"?

Good to see you posted, how about some rock climbing/California trip pictures.....

You'll get to see the young-uns soon!

Grumpy said...

P.S. And I thought the November 8, 2008 entry on my blog was disturbing!


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Well, I think it could grow on me. Kinda like it, honestly... except for the chin ring.

Mostly I was just shocked that you actually posted. Almost fell outa the chair!!

M said...

well don't hurt yourself....

so you guys give me crap for not posting, but I noticed that mom and dad went even longer then me without posting, until they had two new grand kids to post about... why didn't you bug them huh?

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Maybe Mom and Dad aren't as exciting as you.... we live our lack of youth through you. We are excited to see you soon! As for the look... was there a special occasion or just need a change?

Shaun Wright said...

i had controll of it...

M said...

by the way that last one was me.... I didn't know he was loged in

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Tyson says...gffHll; cf,,yryuoioiop[]i6yew