Monday, August 24, 2009

Who will be first....?

So I just wanted to let you all know that I tried out for the ballroom team on saturday and I made it.... I decided that since you all want me to blog so bad that I would jhust make you read it on here... HAHA.... The bad news is that I now have 21 credit hours and I need to talk to one of my teachers, depending on what she says and how she works the lab that I need to take I might have to go up to 23 credit hours... I hopeing she will let me go to the lab without signing up for it... but either way I am going to busy, but it will be fun. The ballroom team is even working towards a tour at the end of the year :)


yer mom said...

you go girl - awesine

Grumpy said...

Awesome! Or Awesine? :)

Heidi P, That's me! said...

AWESOME M! That is great! Keep us up to date on your practices and where you perform! We are excited for your busy semester, it should be fun:)

Heidi-n-Scott said...

SWEET! That will be a fun class.