Friday, July 24, 2009

River Trip

Arggghhhhh!!!! stop bugging me!!!!! I don't post because I don't have much to say. I work and thats it. yes I went on a river trip, but I didn't even take a camara with me, and come to think of it I don't even remember seeing a camare on that trip.

The trip was way fun, but I am not very good at explaining things when I am writting them down because I get impatient... so if you want to know any more besides what I am going to try and right then just call me! We were on the river for about 6 hours I belive, but since I didn't take any electronics with me I can't be sure.... I looked like I was fried, but the next day the only thing that hadn't gone tan was the top of my thighs and then by the morning after that only my left thigh was still burn. Everyone at church the next day was 'mad' that I was not burn because they had seen that I didn't put on any sunscreen and they had like caked it on more then once. :)
The only time that I went out of the raft during a rapid, was hen me and this other girl decided that we wanted to float a rapid so the fist big hole and we both jumped out.... well that is all for now, as I said if you want to know any more then you can call me, imagine that! I just figure that you really don't care that much if you are to lazy to call me. ;)

Love ya all no matter how obnoxious you are :P


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a fun time. I'm jealous, I havn't been rafting in a long time. Thanks for keeping us informed about your life. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Grumpy said...

Wow, a post, I just figured you were missing or died on the river! Sunds like it was fun.