Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I realize that I didn' explain what the pics where. The first one is inside the library, thae whole building was amazing. the next one was of a Grand Central station, it is so weird how like all of there buildings are so.. well... amazing. 3rd was one of time square. 4th was me in the Hershey's store and fyi, that would be called a hat Heidi... the last one was of all the taxis looking out of the hotel window. i can't wait to show you more!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New york

Well I have had a request that should put a few pics from my new york trip on here so I will but to see more your going to have to come see me because there is no way that I am going to post over 400 pics on this blog. Also, if youwant details... well i get impatient putting things down on paper so ya...